Onze Doelstelling

De Stichting Fashion for Good heeft ten doel het bevorderen en stimuleren van een duurzame en verantwoorde kledingindustrie, waaronder wordt verstaan, kleding die wordt geproduceerd met aandacht voor de gevolgen voor mens en milieu en en direct of indirect daarmee verband houdt of daartoe bevorderlijk kan zijn, alles in de ruimste zin des woords, mits in het algemeen belang.

Stichting Fashion for Good is opgericht op 17 oktober 2017. Zij heeft een dienstverleningscontractrelatie met Fashion for Good BV die gastheer is van de activiteiten van het Innovatieplatform.

Hoe bereiken we ons doel

  • Oprichting van het Fashion for Good Museum, een duurzaam modemuseum waar de ontwikkelingen en innovaties in de kledingindustrie onder de aandacht worden gebracht van een breed publiek.

  • Samenwerken met partijen die innovatieve ideeën hebben met betrekking tot de kledingindustrie.

  • Het ontwikkelen van een gemeenschap van gelijkgestemde individuen om een beweging op gang te brengen waarvan de reikwijdte veel verder reikt dan de stichting.

  • Het verrichten van al die wettige handelingen die nodig, nuttig of wenselijk zijn ter bevordering, vestiging of verwezenlijking van het doel van de stichting.

Annual Report & Policy Plan

Annual report 2022

ANBI Form 2022

Policy Plan 2022

Annual report 2021

ANBI Form 2021

Jaarverslag & Beleidsplan

Jaarverslag 2020

ANBI Form 2020

Jaarverslag 2019

Jaarverslag 2018


Ons team


Supervision & Management

In addition to laws and regulations, the Fashion for Good Foundation applies the principles of the Culture Governance Code (the “Code”) and Code of Ethics for Museums. The foundation believes it is important that its purpose is implemented in a transparent and honest manner through division of responsibilities. The Fashion for Good Foundation periodically tests its way of working, policies, website annual report against the Code. These rules apply to all Board members and staff (directly and indirectly employed) of Fashion for Good Foundation; they are encouraged to actively apply the rules of the Code.

The Fashion for Good Foundation has a Board with five members (Board Fashion for Good Foundation). The Board is responsible for setting strategic direction and steering the general course of affairs. The term of appointment is set at a maximum of four years.

The daily activities of the Museum are executed by the General Manager Museum, who has the following responsibilities:

  • Planning & implementation of themes, events, and special programmes
  • Engaging and managing relationships with Donors
  • Execution and monitoring of Experience KPI’s
  • Preparation of reporting requirements (e.g. board meeting documents)



The remuneration policy of Fashion for Good Foundation fits the character of the institution and is in accordance with statutory regulations. The members of the Board receive no remuneration for their work.

Independence & Integrity

Independence and integrity are important pillars of the Fashion for Good Foundation and are incorporated into the Code. Specifically, principle 3 reads: “Directors and Supervisors are independent and act with integrity. They are alert to conflicts of interest, avoid unwanted conflicts of interest and handle conflicts of interest in a transparent and careful manner.” The Board oversees, discusses, and evaluates possible conflicts of interest during its meetings. The Board is open about this within the organisation and to external stakeholders.


Stichting Fashion for Good is recognised by the Dutch tax authorities as an ANBI. ANBI stands for Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling or public benefit organisation.

  • Phone: (+31) 20 261 9680
  • Visiting Address:  Rokin 102, 1012 KZ Amsterdam
  • Mailing Address:  Watersteeg 3, 1012 KZ Amsterdam
  • RSIN:  858038262
  • KvK:  69852537

Profile & Composition of the Board  

Click here for an overview of the profile sketches. 

Bestuur Stichting Fashion for Good

Fashion for Good Foundation heeft momenteel een bestuur met vijf leden:

    Albert Brenninkmeijer – Chair

    Albert Brenninkmeijer is Managing Director at Anthos Fund & Asset Management, a Cofra Holding AG entity that provides comprehensive values-based asset management. Albert brings 25 years of experience in the fashion and sustainability space with him. Before joining Anthos, Albert has worked with C&A, a leading global fashion retailer, holding various positions across the business on different continents, with his last assignment being in the role of Chief Operating Officer, Global Sourcing based in Hong Kong, SAR China. Albert served on the boards of Laudes Foundation (formerly C&A Foundation) and C&A Global Sustainability.


    Ancillary Positions:

    Managing Director Anthos Fund & Asset Mgt.

    Katy Hartley

    Katy Hartley – Board Member

    Katy Hartley designs the Laudes Foundation’s strategy to ensure it is clear, bold, and provides a consistent plan – while enabling Laudes to adapt rapidly in a volatile world. She led the development of its first five-year strategy and the Laudes Foundation Economic System Map. She has over 20 years of experience in the fields of strategy development, philanthropy, partnership building, international public affairs, corporate reputation and stakeholder management.


    Ancillary positions:

    board member and board secretary Built by Nature (The Netherlands), trustee of The Partnering Initiative (UK)

    Siebe Weide – Secretary

    Siebe Weide (1968) is a self employed strategic advisor in the world of Arts and Heritage. Before he was director of the Netherlands Museums Association and the Museumkaart foundation (2006-2019) and the Association of Dutch Rockvenues and Festivals (2001-2006). He started his career as a policy advisor at the Ministry of Culture in The Netherlands. Weide got his master in Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.


    Ancillary Positions:
    Chair of the Board, Poetry International Rotterdam Foundation, Chair of the Board, Parfum de Boem Boem / Hraunmosi Foundation, Member Advisory Board Academy for Cultural Management – member advisory board

    Stefan Hafner – Treasurer

    Ancillary Positions: Head of Tax, COFRA Foundation Member of the Board, COFRA Foundation Member of the Board Redevco Foundation

    Jose Teunissen – Board Member

    Professor José Teunissen is Dean of the School of Design and Technology at London College of Fashion, UAL, and Professor of Fashion Theory. Currently she is the principal investigator of 3 European funded projects around Fashion Tech and digital learning (E4FT, FT Alliance, DeFINE) José also works as a freelance fashion curator. She will take up her post as the new Director of AMFI, the Amsterdam Fashion Institute of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, on 1 March 2023.


    Ancillary positions:

    Professor Fashion Theory; University of the Arts London, Dean of School of Design and Technology at London College of Fashion; University of the Arts London, Board member State of Fashion; Foundation Sonsbeck & State of Fashion, Member Government Advisory Board; Dutch Creative Industries Council, Board member of International Apparel Federation


    Marian Duff (Chairperson)

    Marian is the founder of OSCAM and MAFB. At OSCAM (Open Space Contemporary Art Museum), Marian works on various exhibitions in collaboration with partners, affiliated institutions and artists such as PATTA, Bonnefanten, Decoratelier Nationale Opera & Ballet. Through MAFB, Marian develops educational programmes in collaboration with various museums in order to help creative talent grow.

    Elles van Vegchel

    Elles is directeur van de Laurenskerk in Rotterdam en verantwoordelijk voor de culturele programmering, het behoud en de exploitatie van het monument. Tot 2021 was ze hoofd Museumzaken van het Textielmuseum in Tilburg, waar ze naast adviseur van het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK) verantwoordelijk was voor tentoonstellingen, programmering, aankoop, educatie en publieksrondleidingen. Elles werkte eerder bij de Hermitage en het NEMO Science Museum.

    Marjolein van Breemen

    Marjolein is sinds een jaar museumdirecteur bij Naturalis Biodiversiteitscentrum in Leiden. Daarvoor was zij plaatsvervangend programmadirecteur van NEMO Science Museum, waar zij verantwoordelijk was voor alle programma’s van het museum, NEMO Kennislink en in die rol de netwerken van musea, wetenschappelijke en onderwijsinstellingen met elkaar verbond. Marjolein is lid van het Executive Committee van de Ecsite Board, de European Association of Science Museums and Science Centers.

    Mick Groeneveld

    Mick is the founder of Branding Equality and a freelance marketing professional with broad experience in the cultural sector has worked on inclusive campaigns, aimed at authenticity, innovation and linking young urban adults to cultural brands such as the Anne Frank House and Eye Filmmuseum.