Why join

Our innovation Programme brings innovative solutions to the forefront. By providing hands-on project management, access to funding and a robust ecosystem of mentors and experts, we help the most powerful innovations to market faster.

We support innovations across the entire value chain, including materials, processing (chemistry, machinery), end-of-use solutions, and traceability.

Through our programme, we empower a diverse network that includes brands, retailers, suppliers, innovators, funders, and consumers. This network fosters connections, collaboration, and drives change towards a more regenerative and sustainable industry.

What we offer

We work closely with our Corporate Partners to select the most promising innovators from around the globe. Every year we invite 8-15 innovators to join our Programme – no fees or equity required.

  • Intensive Innovation Programme with no fees and no equity required

  • Targeted introductions to select brands, manufacturers, and industry experts, as well as pilot brainstorming with the Fashion for Good team

  • Connections to our investor network and potential access to early, mid and late-stage funding

  • Dedicated mentors with technical, sustainable and commercial expertise

  • Regular forums for innovator interaction to build networks, share insights and move towards scaling

What are we looking for?

We look specifically for innovations that fall under one or multiple of the following focus areas:

  • Raw Materials

  • Processing

  • Manufacturing & Retail

  • End-of-Use

  • Transparency & Traceability

Meet our mentors


    Fashion for Good has had a great influence on Colorifix, we simply wouldn’t be the same company without it. It’s not just about getting access to top level brands and customers. You get to learn about mistakes of the past, opportunities in the present and a glimpse at what the future could be like - and nothing I can say will convey to you how powerful that is for someone leading a company in this space.
    Orr Yarkoni
    Fashion For Good has been a strong supporter of Circ ever since we joined their Programme. What they have done for the industry with collaborative pilot programmes has truly accelerated the transition to circularity. As a company looking to put an end to the fashion industry's costly cycle of waste, we are inspired by their efforts to bring brands, innovators, and supply chain partners together to create a focal point for shared learning and growth.
    Luke Henning
    The Innovation Programme provided a fantastic opportunity to Oritain during a crucial stage in our growth. Being associated with such a well-regarded organisation provided a significant amount of credibility, while generating great exposure within the industry and guidance on many key topics. The Fashion for Good team is thoroughly supportive with a great depth of industry knowledge and expertise - we could not recommend the Innovation Programme enough!
    Ben Tomkins
    Fashion for Good put us on the map and helped us start many conversations with investors, leads and many others. What I particularly appreciate is that three years after we participated in the Innovation Programme, we are still engaging actively with the community. Fashion for Good is still here to help with introductions and find synergies with other alumni.
    Felix Winckler
    From sound advice in navigating the fashion industry to support in catalysing partnerships with influential brands, Fashion for Good has been a tremendous partner in introducing innovation.
    Gavin McIntyre
    Fashion for Good’s programme itself was phenomenal, and the post graduation support has been even more valuable. We truly believe Fashion for Good should be something every company in our space tries to go through, regardless of experience and size. There is something to learn and gain for everyone.
    Yazan Malkosh