Educational Resources

Change starts with the new generation of industry professionals, but also with the individual consumer. Our educational programmes and tools help younger generations understand their role in the narrative, giving them the knowledge and tools to take action and change fashion for the better. Are you an educator or a student in higher education? Discover the educational programme Classroom of the Future: the stories behind cotton (theoretical/vocational education) and the Circular Fashion Programme (vocational education). 

Do you want to know how to engage with sustainable fashion? Click here to discover the Good Fashion Action Plan, the first step towards more sustainable fashion consumption. If you want to know more about our educational practices, click here to read up on how we developed the Classroom of the Future programme.

    MBO/HBO Toolkit – Classroom of the Future: the stories behind cotton


    Educational toolkit Classroom of the Future: the stories behind cotton takes students on a six session journey exploring the impact of cotton on people and our planet. 

    MBO Toolkit - The Circular Fashion Programme


    The Circular Fashion Programme has been developed to place more emphasis on circularity and sustainable practices within (Dutch) fashion-focused higher education. It has been designed for and with students in Dutch MBO-education (practical higher education).

    Good Fashion Action Plan

    The Fashion for Good Museum developed the Good Fashion Action Plan so visitors can interact with the museum space. Throughout their visit, people collect actions and put together a personalised plan which empowers them to take steps beyond the museum.

    “Museum as Classroom of the Future”

    Written by Alyxandra Westwood and Yophi Ignacia.

    How can museums offer space to reflect critically on problems stemming from our current education system in a democratic and collective way?