Fashion for Good Museum Officially Registered Museum

The Fashion for Good Experience, the world's first interactive museum focused on sustainable fashion, this week inaugurates an advisory committee and welcomes two new board members. In addition, the museum is officially registered with the Museum Register.  
VAN BOVEN NAAR ONDER: Gwen Boon, Experience Manager – Fashion for Good; Katrin Ley, algemeen directeur – Fashion for Good; Albert Brenninkmeijer, bestuursvoorzitter Stichting Fashion for Good
Credit: Nicolas Brenninkmeijer

3 November 2020

AMSTERDAM –The Fashion for Good Experience, the world’s first interactive museum focusing on sustainable fashion, inaugurates this week an advisory committee and welcomes two new board members. In addition, the museum is officially registered with the Museum Register, meeting the same national standards as other major museums in the Netherlands. Important steps to strengthen the museum’s future and deepen its programming.

The Fashion for Good Experience – with ANBI status – has been officially registered with Stichting Museumregister Nederland since October 2020. This foundation carries out the registration of museums in the Netherlands that demonstrably meet criteria for high-quality fulfillment of a museum’s functions. Albert Brenninkmeijer, the new board chairman of Stichting Fashion for Good: “we are extremely proud to share that we are now officially registered in the Museum Register. The museum is a unique, interactive place for sustainable fashion and that our educational collection around innovations also gets more recognition with this, we naturally think it’s a fantastic development!” The museum has welcomed more than 70,000 visitors since its opening and has built an active ‘good fashion’ community online consisting of more than 115,000 followers.

New board members

The Experience operates on a unique cutting edge, aiming to enthuse visitors to change their fashion behaviour. The museum jumps on this by developing educational programmes, inspiring events with, for instance, ELLE Netherlands, Hanna Verboom and Cinetree, collaborations with schools or, as will be announced in 2021, with internationally renowned fashion designers. In order to ultimately reach every player in the clothing industry in this way.

Responsible for the strategy is the museum’s board of trustees, whose new members are chairman Albert Brenninkmeijer and board member José Teunissen, and the current team consisting of vice-chairman Leslie Johnston, secretary Siebe Weide and treasurer Stefan Hafner. For their background information, click here.

Advisory Committee

This week, the Fashion for Good Experience Advisory Committee meets for the first time via a digital meeting to look at the museum’s programming together including all events, exhibitions and collaborations. The aim of the committee is to reach a wider audience and advise on grants and sponsorships. The five members of the committee may fill this position for two years and have all been asked based on their expertise to ensure a multidisciplinary team. Chair of the committee is Marian Duff, she is joined by Mick Groeneveld, Elles van Vegchel, Marjolein van Breemen and Stephan Alspeer. For their background information click here.


The Fashion for Good Museum will launch a co-creation track with creative talents in early 2021, with financial support from AFK. In addition, the museum has also received financial support from Horizon 2020, the EU’s largest research and innovation programme. For the Allthings.bioRPO project, the museum will start offering educational activities around biomaterials in 2021.

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